Physicians, Primary Care, Value-Based Care Hannah Russell Physicians, Primary Care, Value-Based Care Hannah Russell

The Sacred Patient-Healer Relationship

I had the honor and pleasure once of sitting in on a broadcasted conversation with Faisel Syed, MD on the Sacred Patient-Physician Relationship. (Faisel and Friends) That discussion got me thinking more about the special rapport needed between the Person we call the Patient and the Healer for healthcare to be effective and to optimally create value.

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Primary Care, Physicians, Healthcare Hannah Russell Primary Care, Physicians, Healthcare Hannah Russell

Pre-Visit Planning

A good proportion of healthcare delivery in the US happens on the fly. Even when an office visit is scheduled in advance, many practices don’t start any work on a patient until they see the whites of their eyes. Mrs. Jones shows up, and we look through the chart to see what needs to be done in the moment. This approach opens the door for inefficiency, ineffectiveness, missed opportunities, poor experience, and low-quality outcomes.

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Physicians, Medical Hannah Russell Physicians, Medical Hannah Russell

Does your practice leadership team (and physicians) truly understand Medicare risk coding?

It’s the beginning of a new year, so you’ll be hearing a lot about Medicare risk coding and the importance of risk coding. You’ll most likely hear the same story from many different sources - beginning January 1, those patients with amputations suddenly have limbs grow back and patients with certain conditions no longer have those conditions. You as practice leaders and physicians are told by multiple sources about how important capturing appropriate condition coding for your patients is.

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Alyssa McNally Alyssa McNally

Losing (and Winning) at Value-Based Care.

While it’s nearly impossible to attribute just one, or even a handful of causes to the lack of traction or success for value-based care, it is possible to assess influence and recommend focused avenues for positive change.

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