Primary Care, Physicians Hannah Russell Primary Care, Physicians Hannah Russell

What do consumers really expect from their primary care provider?

Primary Care Providers (PCP) are problem solvers trained to learn as much as they can about the entire human body. As soon as the patient begins to describe their concern, the PCP is processing the information and evaluating possible solutions or treatments. It is often difficult to determine how much time is needed for a visit because they are trained to not just look at a single problem, but the whole person. Value-based care and mandatory quality measures (or risk losing money) have made the primary care visit even more complex. If a provider runs late, patients become irritated and upset but expect the provider to give them the amount of time needed for whatever “oh by the ways” they mention even if it wasn’t included in the reason for visit.

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Healthcare, Big Ideas, Nurses Hannah Russell Healthcare, Big Ideas, Nurses Hannah Russell

Increase Quality Measure Satisfaction through Nurse-led Annual Wellness Visits

Medicare Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) are frequently viewed by primary care providers as a tedious visit in which patients see little value. With consistent access to care issues and a shortage of primary care providers, these visits are easy to push to the side and focus on other visits. The problem is, these visits can impact attribution and they are also a key metric in value-based care plans as well as Accountable Care Organization (ACO) requirements to receive incentive payments. So how can a practice balance the need to maintain attribution and satisfy insurance requirements while still providing crucial hands-on care to patients? The answer may be more simple than hiring more providers or limiting new patients. Nurse-led Annual Wellness Visit programs have been proven to effectively meet the AWV requirements while increasing access to the provider for other visits.

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