Primary Care, Telehealth, Physicians Hannah Russell Primary Care, Telehealth, Physicians Hannah Russell

Telehealth 201

The first article in this series focused on the basics of telehealth for primary care. This included definitions, benefits, and examples. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out here! Now, we’re going to dive deeper into telehealth innovations and challenges. I’m excited for the future of telemedicine opportunities, and hope you are too. 

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Physicians, Primary Care, Value-Based Care Hannah Russell Physicians, Primary Care, Value-Based Care Hannah Russell

The Sacred Patient-Healer Relationship

I had the honor and pleasure once of sitting in on a broadcasted conversation with Faisel Syed, MD on the Sacred Patient-Physician Relationship. (Faisel and Friends) That discussion got me thinking more about the special rapport needed between the Person we call the Patient and the Healer for healthcare to be effective and to optimally create value.

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Value-Based Care, Primary Care, Healthcare Hannah Russell Value-Based Care, Primary Care, Healthcare Hannah Russell

VBC Drivers Part 1

We’ve become very familiar with the revenue drivers in fee-for-service (FFS) healthcare delivery over the past 100 years. Find the highest priced visits, treatments, and procedures a doc can perform and run as many patients as possible through those visits, treatments, and procedures. Since reimbursement rates for medical services have been going down, net revenue increases have more recently been driven by adding new types of visits or procedures to a practice’s repertoire and constantly honing efficiencies in moving people from the front door, through the exam/treatment room, and back into the parking lot as quickly as possible.

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Primary Care, Healthcare, Physicians Hannah Russell Primary Care, Healthcare, Physicians Hannah Russell

Beyond first impressions

First impressions have always gotten a lot of attention, but I’m going to push back a bit and suggest that what happens after that first impression (aka unconscious bias) might need more focus. This MA, I’ll call them “Bleu,” was able to create a safe space for the patient and family member that overcame their initial judgment. Let’s explore how they did that, and how you and your team can focus on this too.

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ACP, Primary Care Hannah Russell ACP, Primary Care Hannah Russell

Advance Care Planning Conversations - What they are and why they matter

More than 90 percent of Americans believe it is important to discuss the treatment and palliative options they would choose to pursue if they were to become incapacitated by medical issues in the future, according to The Conversation Project’s 2018 National Survey. Yet, they also report that only 32 percent have actually conducted these conversations.

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Physicians, Primary Care, Notes On News Hannah Russell Physicians, Primary Care, Notes On News Hannah Russell

How Digital Minimalism May Help Solve Physician Burnout

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a paper titled “Digital Minimalism - an Rx for Clinician Burnout.” The article points to a recent study that found the amount of time spent in electronic health records (EHRs) correlates with declines in face-to-face time with the patient, computer-based work after hours and increasing rates of burnout. Digital minimalism could be a new way forward for physicians.

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Healthcare, Primary Care, Big Ideas Hannah Russell Healthcare, Primary Care, Big Ideas Hannah Russell

What can you do to reverse the trends of primary care?

The business of primary care is a serious one and a unique one. Maybe you’ve always known you want to be in healthcare and primary care specifically, or perhaps you’re one of the many who, to use the Napoleon Hill term, “drifted” into your current role. However you got to where you are right now, what you and your practice do to serve your community is critical.

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Primary Care, ACO Hannah Russell Primary Care, ACO Hannah Russell

How to prepare for 2024 ACO success in 2023

Over the last several weeks, we’ve focused on readiness for joining an Accountable Care Organization, or ACO. We’ve explored what an ACO is, shown how to see if your practice is ready to join an ACO, and shared five key questions to assess before either forming your own ACO or joining an existing ACO.

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Primary Care, Healthcare, ACO Hannah Russell Primary Care, Healthcare, ACO Hannah Russell

What are five questions you need to ask before joining an existing ACO?

As we continue our series discussing Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs, we now move from the topic of forming your own ACO to what are some key questions to ask before joining an existing ACO. Entering an existing ACO can be a lucrative and well aligned way to accomplish success in value based care for your MSSP patients, but you may find yourself facing buyers’ remorse if you don’t go in well-informed. If you do make a decision that doesn’t align with your practice’s priorities and goals, you will be locked into the model for at least one year, possibly more, depending on the terms of your agreement.

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Primary Care, Healthcare, ACO Hannah Russell Primary Care, Healthcare, ACO Hannah Russell

What are five questions you need to ask before forming your own ACO?

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been in a series discussing Accountable Care Organizations, or ACOs. We began this month by reviewing “What is an ACO and what do you need to know about them?”, and we continued last week by giving some tips to answer the question “Is your practice ready to join an ACO?”.

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Notes On News, Primary Care Hannah Russell Notes On News, Primary Care Hannah Russell

Notes On News: The End of the COVID-19 National Emergency and Public Health Emergency

The U.S. House of Representatives recently put forth a bill to end both the national emergency and the public health emergency (PHE) for the COVID-19 pandemic early. President Biden signed a version of the bill on April 10, ending the national emergency, but the PHE will continue until May 11, at which point it, too, will expire.

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