Primary Care, ACO Hannah Russell Primary Care, ACO Hannah Russell

What is an ACO and what do you need to know about them?

If you are a primary care practice, you’ve likely been approached within the last few weeks about joining an Accountable Care Organization (ACO), possibly by multiple different groups. The reason for this flurry of activity is Phase 1 of the ACO application program goes from May 18 to June 15, 2023 and the final phase to add TINs to an ACO is July 11 to August 1, 2023. If you’re not already in an ACO, you’ll need to make some important decisions about whether or not to join an ACO for 2024, and which ACO to join. 

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Primary Care, Physicians, Medical Hannah Russell Primary Care, Physicians, Medical Hannah Russell

What do you need to know about value based care for your practice?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have advanced value based care significantly in the last several years, and in a somewhat expected, yet bold move in October 2021, specifically said that they expect all traditional Medicare beneficiaries to be treated by a provider in a value-based care model by 2030. CMS rarely uses such superlative terms (all traditional Medicare beneficiaries), and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Innovation Center (CMMI) has five stated strategic objectives to achieve this massive undertaking.

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